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China Mining Machine Develops to High-end and Intellctualization

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Mining machines have wide application range. The mining equipment produced by HXJQ high technological content and integration level and the development of new equipment is integrated with the achievements in all kinds of industries. With the advancement of material science, manufacturing technology, information technology and computer technology, every round of product has injection of new technology and the upgrading cycle of spare parts is shorter and shorter and the upgrading of new equipment is faster and faster, especially the development of large-sized mining machines.

China Mining Machine Develops to High-end and Intellctualization

Supported by multi-disciplinary integration of computer and network technology, faced with economic construction, driven by market demands, mining equipment has been developing towards digitization, intellectualization, ecologicalization and hosptality during the harmoneous development of human and nature. The market competition drives the development of mining equipment and the overall level of the mining machinery and equipment in our country still has a big gap compared with the internationally advanced level. On the journey of building a powerful manufacturing country of mining machinery, opportunity and challenges coexist. Product design is the soul of the manufacuting industry, the product structure, fucntion, quality, cost, delivery time and manufacutrability, maintaninability, abandonment disposal and the relationship of human, machine and the environment are basically determined in the product design stage. The innovative design ability of the products has become the first factor deciding the position of a company in the globalized competition.

The demands of China economic construction promotes the development of mining equipment. With the gradual increase of exploitation degree, extension from the mainland to the ocean, increaseingly deteriorated resources exploitation conditions, safe exploitation is becoming more and more important. The coal exploitation degree has reached 1000m, the density of metal ores has reached 1380m, the deposit expoitation degree increases and many factors such as underground water, gas, high crustal stress and geological structure make the resources exploitation more and more difficult.

Now the government appeals to realize the harmoneous development of natural environment, so that it requires the mining machinery to be ecologicalization, make use of all kinds of advanced technology to contantly innovate the manufacuring pattern, resources, technology and organizations, so that it will not produce environmental pollution or minimize the environmental pollution during the whole life cycle of the product. In addition, maximize the resources utilization rate and minimize the energy consumption and finally realize the coordination of company economic benefit and social benefit. Highly efficient and zero pollution mining machinery has good development prospect. In the role of mining machines in the national economic constrution, HXJQ puts forward that the market driving of economic construction, support of multi-disciplinary integration of computer and network technology amd harmoneous development of humand and nature is the motivation for the development mining equipment manufacturing industry.

Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd has many years' of technological power and experience accumulation of manufacturing and management of drying machines. The sand maker we researched and developed with great concentration plays an active role in the mining and ore beneficiation industry and is one of the indispensible mining crushing equipment in the mining industry. This machine has the most competitive price and the most reliable quality so that it is the top choice for the high performance crushing equipment.

Date: 2012-06-11 00:00:00

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