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The Application of Spiral Chute in Ore Dressing

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Spiral chute dressing is a slope dressing course. The mash is fed onto a chute or slope with a certain angle. Pushed by the water flow, the ore group spread and layer. The upper layer ore is discharged out of the chute quickly, while the bottom layer ore stays in the chute or slowly discharges from the bottom. Then fine ore and residue ore are produced.


spiral chute

Spiral chute is a dressing device appeared the earliest. Its main advantages are simple structure, low investment and production fee and coarse and medium-sized spiral chute have much higher processing capacity. And the disadvantage lies in the low dressing precision, so it is suitable for coarse dressing. So far it has been widely used in dressing tungsten, tin, gold, platinum and iron and some rare metal mineral, particularly in dressing low-tasted sand mineral.

Date: 2012-06-13 00:00:00

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