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50tph Mobile Limestone Crusher-Price and Video

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"Are you interested in mobile crusher?"


"What kind of stone do you need to process, pls?"

"Capacity around 50tph crushing limestone."

The dialogue you are watching is from a gentleman with our on-line coworker on 12,28t/h 2018, from which we could learn that he is looking for a 50t/h mobile crusher to crush limestone. And I am going to share further details regarding mobile limestone crusher in terms of price and others so as to offer you some tips when you are in need of a mobile crusher for other kinds of minerals such as granite, basalt, andesite, marble, coal, iron ore and etc.

mobile crusher

1. Brief Introduction of Mobile Crusher

Feeding size: ≤800mm

Discharging size: 0-5mm,5-15mm,16-30mm and etc;

Productivity: 50-650t/h

2. Mobile Crushing Machine in Factory

mobile crusher

3. Mobile Crusher at Site

4. Price of 50t/h Mobile Crusher

I have attained some information by Google before writing this article and find out that a small or medium mobile crusher could be sold for 500,000-700,000 RMB (73,000-102,000 dollars) in the market. If you find it kind of expensive, I am here to recommend for you HXJQ who is known for its big scale and good-quality mining machines with competitive prices, not to mention the 50t/h mobile crusher.

5. Further Details You Might Want to Know about

a. HXJQ mobile crusher is able to produce premium uniform end products with highly industrial value, otherwise, we will be responsible for your issues;

b. Quality of mobile crusher. In order to spare your concerns about the quality, lifespan of spare parts, we would like to invite you who are really in need to visit our factory and put a real test on our products;

c. Aftermarket service: we promise to offer each of client free delivery and on-site installation service, no matter where you are located.

In one word, welcome to contact us for more.

Date: 2019-01-02 00:00:00

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