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Comparison Between Three Stone Crushing Plants

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At present, there are three kinds of crusher used for large-sized open pits: fixed crushing station, semi-stationary crushing station and mobile crushing plant. Fixed crushing station is the earliest type of open pits. It is commonly installed outside the stone plants. Since this crushing station is installed in the solid concrete foundation, it can not move after being installed.

Even though the fixed crushing station is featured in the reliable application and strong working capacity, it will cost a lot for transportation along with the continuous advancement of open pit. Based on the fixed crushing station, hemi-fixed crushing station is a upgraded product.

mobile crushers

Even though the hemi-fixed crushing station can shift, it still needs a lot of money and time to make the shifting work. Mobile crushing plant is installed in the stone plant. It can move flexibly according to the production need. Mobile crushing station, featured in the low transportation cost and high working efficiency, can effectively decrease the size of finished products.

mobile crusher

Therefore, mobile crushing station has become the key part for hemi-continuous process for open pits. Advanced nature of hemi-continous process refers to displace the hemi-fixed crushing station with mobile crushing station. By doing so, economic value of hemi-continuous process can be greatly improved.

Meanwhile, mobile crushing plant can enjoy the features of low energy consumption and little dust production. Interested in the price of mobile crushers? Leave messages on website to enjoy greater discounts!

Date: 2016-05-25 00:00:00

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