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Ways for Uneven Discharge of Jaw Crushers

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Jaw crushing machine, also named as China jaw crusher, is mainly used to crush materials like iron ore, copper ore, gold and silver ore, manganese ore, cement, artificial sand, fluorite, limestone and slag, etc. How to solve the problem of uneven discharge? The following content will discuss about the corrections one by one. At first, you should check the electricity for connecting the dynamo of jaw crushing plant. If there is something wrong with the electricity, the jaw crushing machine will run reversely. To avoid this situation, you should clearly see the circuit direction and rightly connect the circuit.

jaw crushing machine

Secondly, you should adjust the jaw plates of jaw crushing machine. If jaw plates move freely, tooth crests will face each other. Therefore, to improve this situation, you should adjust the jaw plates. Thirdly, you should change the wear parts. Once movable plates and bearings are seriously worn out, distance between movable plates and bearings would become larger. To repair the wear of movable plates and bearings, shorten the distance between movable plates and bearings as well as change the size of finished products, you should change the worn-out plates and bearings with new ones.

Fourthly, you should adjust the discharging mouth of jaw crushing plant. To meet the required size of finished products, you can take some auxiliary devices into use like spacer, wedge block, hydraulic gear and supporter, etc. Finally, you should analyze the properties of raw materials. Before the working process of jaw crushing plant, you should carefully read the instructional books. If properties of raw materials are not consistent with the required in instructional books, you should choose another suitable crusher in Hxjq Mining Machine Manufacturer.

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Date: 2016-02-22 00:00:00

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