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Design concept of Zhengzhou Hongxing cone crusher

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Our cone crusher, designed for secondary and tertiary crushing applications, combines high capacity, large feed opening and compact transport dimensions. cone crusher complements the proven and comprehensive product line of original our mobiles crushing plants.

The cone crusher is built around one of the best known cone crushers in the market, the HP200. The number of references with HP200 crusher is over 1000 installed units. The HP200 cone crusher features high capacity and reliability, in addition to top quality and cubical end products as well as low wear parts costs.

cone crusher

As standard all Our cone crusher units are equipped with IC600 intelligent control system. One of the many functions controlled by the intelligent control system is the feeding of the crusher ensuring steady and constant process at all times.

Online information is available to the operator for control and monitoring of the crushing process which can be started and stopped with a single button.

The cone crusher is versatile and can be operated with other LT and ST products. As an example CONE CRUSHER can be used with Our ST352 track mounted mobile screen, in open circuit as well as in closed circuit operation. In complete mobile plant operations consisting of LT105, CONE CRUSHER and ST352, all three units can be linked together for perfect interoperation between the units.

Main features of our cone crusher:

• Built around the proven HP200 cone crusher

• Process steered with the new IC600 control system

• Full versatility with other LT and ST models

• Maximized crushing time

• Easy to transport between sites

The production capacity of our HPC cone crusher is from 120 to 700 TPH. Our HPC (High performance) cone crusher is perfect for secondary, tertiary and quaternary crushing in stationary, portable and mobile applications.

Date: 2012-05-14 00:00:00

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