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6R Mill Meets High Standard of Processing Fluorite

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With the fast development of China's economy, the management force of the scare mineral resources in our country has been intensifying. As one of the national strategic reserve resources, the reserve and production ratio of the fluorite in recent years has been keeping decreasing. With the wider and wider application of fluorine, the application value of fluorite will become more and more important. Then the government in our country begins to intensify the protection force of the fluorite minerals and the crushing and the fluorite and the powder grinding and processing equipment will be influenced in the large-scale integration process. For this reason, improving the market application ability of such products as the fluorite crusher and grinding machine is a new lesson that is put forward to the fluorite processing equipment manufacturing companies.

6R Mill Meets High Standard of Processing Fluorite

So far, the production capacity of the equipment manufactured the companies in our country, and they do not have any scale advantages, and what is more, the situation that the excessive exploitation in the inland areas leading resources waste is very serious so that the resources utilization rate is not high. The fluorite field has internal requirement for resources integration. At present, these resources are concentrated in the private enterprises and because the export regulation is not standard, the export amount every year is very huge. For this reason, in order to effectively control the export of this mineral, the resources in the future have the trend of being integrated by large sized companies. The powder grinding equipment will be larger, more environmentally friendly and more intelligent. For this reason, Hongxing Machinery made technological upgrading on the basis of the original Raymond mill, the main machine and the reduction box adopt elastic sleeve dowel pin shaft coupling which effectively prevent the easy-breaking phenomenon and promotes the reliability of the machine. The analytical engine adopts high density leaves and frequency control which is able to improve the powder dressing fineness and production capacity. Compared with the common powder collector, by-path powder collector has little damage on pressure and high powder collecting efficiency which is beneficial to collect the micro powders and particles that is difficult for the common one to collect so that it has the advantages of protecting the environment.

This material is a common processing material. The fluorite powders that are processed by the fluorite ball mill can be widely applied in such industries as chemical industry, rubber, ceramic, construction, building materials. The super fine powders have even wider application and have been widely used in high-tech industry such as military project and electric cable, fibre transmission and high-precision metallurgy industry. Our company has been adhering to the concept of 'people-oriented, customer supremacy, development and innovation'. We are able to provide our customers not only the highest quality products at the most favorable price, but also the most reasonable suggestion of equipment, optimum process configuration, and a full range of technical support. In pursuit of bringing customers the most benefits with minimal investment, we have been trying our best to help customers in any case!

Date: 2012-04-08 00:00:00

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