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Advantage Of Horizontal Kiln

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Currently, lime kiln is commonly divided into two main categories:

Rotary kiln vertical kiln

1. Rotary kiln or horizontal kiln, which has a horizontal shaft with a slight inclination, and can make rotational motion;

2. Shaft kiln or vertical kiln, it is vertical and can't rotate.

Different people had different views on the two kind of lime kiln: some people think that vertical kiln covers a small area and costs lower on construction investment and running costs; while some people think that the yield of vertical kiln is low and the pollution is serious, so most users still use horizontal kiln as main rotary kiln equipment.

Horizontal kiln has high running stability when burns lime, and has low requirements on coal quality. What is more, the large output, better environmental effect and other advantage of horizontal kiln make it the best kiln for mass lime production.

Compared with vertical kiln, the advantages of horizontal kiln are as follows:

1. Horizontal kiln can be used to burn small particles of limestone, while shaft kiln can't do it.
2. The quality of quick lime produced by horizontal kiln is easier to be controlled.
3. The weight of horizontal kiln is even without large fluctuations.
4. The operation of horizontal kiln is simple, easy to stop and restart.
5. The production scale of horizontal kiln is large, can be more than 1000 tons/d.
6. Due to the large capacity of the horizontal kiln, fewer operators are needed when it's in work.
7. The productivity of horizontal kiln is higher under same other conditions.

8. The product quality of horizontal kiln is better than that of vertical kiln.

Date: 2014-12-24 00:00:00

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