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Flotation Chemicals Are Important for Ore Beneficiation

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As a leader in the mining machinery manufacturing field in China, our company also produces and markets chemicals for froth flotation of minerals which are as famous as our mining machines such as crusher, grinding machines and ore beneficiation machines. Its strength lies in its ability to develop, together with mining companies, chemical formulations that are specific to individual operations.

ore beneficiation

We concentrate on providing solutions to metallurgical problems by developing formulations of mineral collectors and depressants. Our company is based in Zhengzhou, and we have subsidiary and associate companies situated all over the world. The company has two new production units: one mineral collectors and the other all our formulated products. Other mining chemicals are produced under license using our unique technology. Additionally we represent several major chemical companies in the mining chemicals area.

For the process of froth flotation, we supply a range of collectors. These include standard thio collectors. Our company licenses specialty collectors from a famous Chinese university for the selective flotation of metallic minerals away from pyritic minerals. It also produces specific collectors for the flotation of industrial minerals, particularly fluorspar, apatite, and calcite.

In the flotation of coal, we have licensed technology from patents awarded to associate companies in foreign countries. The new range of depressants is widely used in the control of siliceous gangue minerals. Activators and surfactants in this range are used in promoting flotation and in electro-winning and electro-refining operations.

For detailed information about our ore beneficiation products including magnetic separator and flotation separator, customers can search for more in our website.

Date: 2014-06-13 00:00:00

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