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Tailings Handling Process should Go with the Mineral Exploitation

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Most Chinese mining enterprises tend to pile up the mineral tailings in certain area without doing treatment. It’s said that this behavior will cause much damage to the environment and waste of resources. Our experts will list some exploitation principles and useful methods to improve the current tailings handling problem.

1. The exploitation should not lead to environment pollution and the regeneration of other new pollutions. To protect the environment is the responsibility that everyone should take. It’s reasonable to increase the price of the minerals and charge the piling fees, which may reduce the occupation area of the tailings.

2. The current tailings classification and concentration methods are not in great amount and mot with advanced technology. It’s not easy for users to realize the perfect handling effect in a short time.

3. It’s a good idea to adopt the technology of filling the worked out section with cement, which can not only avoid the potential danger hidden in the underground mining worked out section, but also prevent the damage to the environment. Moreover, to fill out the section with new fillings replacing the traditional ore pillars will help improve the recovery rate.

4. It’s necessary for users and mining enterprises to remember to combine the tailings handling process with the mineral exploitation. Rules and principles should be made to guarantee the practice.

There are a lot of methods to do treatment of the tailings. Considering the domestic situation, the mining industry needs to think out their best way to handle the tailings.

Date: 2014-03-24 00:00:00

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