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The Whole Market Has Good Appetite for the Domestic Vibrating Screen

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Driven by the industries of coal, iron ore, non-ferrous mine, steel, chemical engineering, electricity generating and cement production, the vibrating screen industry is still developing quite prosperously in China. According to the current national development strategy, the Chinese government encourages most mining machinery companies to develop their coal mines. In 2015, the total volume of production of the super large scale coal mines will reach 5000 ton and there will be 20 large scale enterprises with the capacity of producing 10-40 million.

The future coal industry will pay more attention to the aspects of increasing the coal utilization rate, saving much energy, reducing pollutants and improving economic returns. It’s reported that the government will encourage enterprises to transform to the development mode of reinforcing coal cleaning production and utilization, supporting coal washing and further coal processing.

In accordance with the recent coal production prediction, the Chinese coal production reached 4.64 billion ton in 2013, the total value of the required vibrating screens reached 5.41 billion RMB and the value of the large vibrating screens reached 4.52 billion RMB. As the coal dressing companies develop, they have stricter standard for the types and quality of the vibrating screens which makes a new developing stage for the vibrating products.

The current coal dressing enterprises are developing toward the upsizing and modernization directions with the greatly increasing production capacity. In the past, we called coal dressing plants with the production capacity of 2-3 million t/a large scale ones, but nowadays enterprises with the capacity over 12 million t/a are quite commonly seen.

In order to guarantee the product quality and low cost, the mining machinery companies should try to realize the standardization, serialization and generalization of the devices such as the vibrators, vibrating frames, vibrating plates and the transmission shaft of the vibrating screens.

Date: 2014-02-17 00:00:00

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