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An Inevitable Path for Engineering Machinery

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In the last year, the performance of traditional industry just like engineering machinery pushed by infrastructure went down fast.

Raymond mill

According to the datas from China Engineering Machinery Institute, in this fist half year, the whole yield of engineering machinery industry went down nearly by 20%, and even the profits in some companies decreased by 80% or above. So Song Li – the deputy director of National Development and Reform Commission Economy, said that there will be two hard years for the engineering machinery industry.

Forced by decreasing sales amount, most engineering machinery manufacturing companies have to make the choice and change to export and manage the business overseas and in the Midwest area.

Although there are many construction affairs all over the world, there are the crisis for some machinery industry, such as mining machinery industry, crushing equipment, Raymond mill and ore beneficiation equipment and so on. Because there are many credit business, and then the profits of one machine can't be gotten at once, which will generate the capital crisis. This condition usually last for one whole year, and all project fees will be paid at the end of one year.

There are more than 120 countries, and among them 40 experience highly increasing economy among which 36 have the decreasing trend. Chinese economy goes down in wave type, and facing this trend, there are two ways to survive from this crisis: one is product innovation, one is export. Mediterranean area, Latin America and eastern Europe are the right choices, said Song Li.

Of course, vast engineering machinery enterprises have enough strength to make difference all the world. Meanwhile, the small and medium domestic enterprises are also promissing.

Date: 2012-08-13 00:00:00

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