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Learn to Better Use Common Crushers

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As the saying goes, 'Know your enemy and know yourself.' Fight is like this, so does the things we will encounter in all aspects of our life. There are various mining machinery manufacturers, and they are all publicizing the benefits of the products, but things are not always perfect. All we can do is to bear in mind both the advantages and disadvantages of different crushers so that we are able to choose the right equipment in mining production. Only in this way can we make the most of those various crushers.

There are a lot of notes which should be focused on in the process of using; the operators must understand their respective advantages and disadvantages. Now the experts from HXJQ will briefly introduce the merits and demerits of the commonly used crushers.

jaw crusher

1. Jaw crusher

Main advantages: simple structure, easy to operate and maintain, reliable working condition, wide range of application.

Main disadvantages: Existence of idle stroke that increases the non-productive performance power consumption, high quality requirements, declining in production capacity and even clogging if the crushing material is wet or sticky.

Cone crusher

2. Cone crusher

Main advantages: large production capacity, low consumption of unit power, stable working condition, used for crushing flaky material and evener product granularity.

Main disadvantages: complex structure, high cost, difficult maintenance, fuselage height, which all increase construction cost of plant and the basic structures.

Hammer crusher

3. Hammer crusher

Main advantages: strong production power, big reduction ratio, low power consumption, simple structure of loading and unloading, compact and lightweight, less investment costs, and easy management.

Main disadvantages: the hammer and grate are quick-wearing, large metal consumption and longer maintenance time.

impact crusher

4. Impact crusher

Main advantages: simple structure, easy to manufacture and maintain, high grinding efficiency, large production capacity, lower power consumption, big reduction ratio, less wear, equal product granularity, cubic shape of the crushed material and it takes advantages of impact and counter impact,

Main disadvantages: difficult to control the product granularity, the content of small amount of large pieces in the product, board hammer and the back plate are easy wear, noisy operation, producing the dust.

Roll crusher

5. Roll crusher

Main advantages: simple structure, compact and lightweight, low machine body, low cost, reliable working condition, easy to adjust and can crush the wet and sticky materials.

Main disadvantages: small production capacity; it can't crush bulky material; it is difficult to crush hard material; and it is commonly used for medium or fine crushing medium hard and soft material.

Above are the respective merits and demerits of several major crushers, and we hope our customers will better learn that.

Date: 2012-07-30 00:00:00

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