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Ore Industry has been Influenced by National Macro Adjustment

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The ore industry has been influenced by national macro adjustment this year. The requirements for ore mining are becoming so strict that the production capacity of ore mining and artificial sand making declined. A great number of sand making manufacturers expressed that sales value in the first half year is significantly lower than that of last year under the circumstance where the overall sales volume of sand making equipment declined.  The sand maker price slightly increases due to the labor, rent and raw material. This condition let a great many sand maker manufacturers keep wait-and-see attitudes without plans for the development of the second half year.  

crushing machine.

Our company holds that the current doldrums in sand making industry will be improved. The reasons are as follows: firstly, with the macroeconomic policies, the old equipment needs replacing by new type equipment to ensure the development in the sand maker plant. Moreover, as the affordable housing and transportation construction have been attached much importance by government, the growing demands for artificial sand directly promotes the sales volume of crushing machine.

On the conference concerning production planning, our company focuses on the problems, for example, how to seize the opportunity of the next half year and the price changes in sand making lines. In the first half year of this year, although the sales volume in our company, it is not obvious. The biggest advantage is equipment quality and propaganda from customers, which proved our company philosophy: to credit to survive, to the quality and development. In the next half year, our company will continue to adjust strategy based on the current affairs and will be devoted to developing new type sand maker and improving the current performance of sand maker by sticking to our philosophy and  raising revenues together with users.

Date: 2012-07-19 00:00:00

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