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Mechanical mode of transformation and upgrading of industrial development

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Further implementation of the "equipment manufacturing restructuring and revitalization plan," we should focus on the current science to tackle the financial crisis, to ensure that the good momentum of development of industrial machinery; but also a long-term, reinforce innovation-driven, endogenous growth, based on the taking high ground in Industrial Development of the crisis.

First of all, to correctly grasp the machinery industry's characteristics. Machinery industry is a basic, strategic industry, on behalf of their level of development of comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness. Adjusting the industrial structure, transform the mode is a systems engineering, machinery industry itself should be based on the characteristics, in accordance with the requirements of the concept of scientific development, independent innovation as the foundation for the way the two of integration, technological innovation as a means of merger and reorganization of business-oriented and take development road of new industrialization as the goal, and constantly push forward the industrial structure optimization, development of methods of transformation and upgrading.

Second, we must clearly focus on the development emphasis. Industrial structure and development are mutually reinforcing way organic whole machinery industry to adjust industrial structure and changing the pattern of development reflected in the final product structure adjustment and industrial growth in quality. We should vigorously strengthen technological innovation, the use of information technology to upgrade traditional industries and improve the automation of production and processing, information and intelligence; to the development of green manufacturing technology, the development of industrial policies and market demand for environmentally friendly, intelligent, digital high added value products; to accelerate the phase-out and update the high energy consumption, high pollution, a serious depletion of resources behind the product; fixed asset investment and the transformation to phase out backward to specific, reduce excess capacity-oriented, determined to contain low levels of scale expansion, building resources saving and environment-friendly industries.

Third, to further develop the role of policies and measures of protection. Restructuring and revitalization of the equipment manufacturing policies and measures have been put forward this year the state has taken a lot of positive initiatives are targeted, especially in research to develop and launch new industries to speed up the development of specific strategic planning and special projects, and study and encourage the use of emerging Industrial products and technology measures to encourage the use made of setting up the first (set) the risk of major equipment grant funds, we make full and good use of these policy measures, for the machinery industry to adjust industrial structure and transforming economic growth mode to contribute.

Date: 2009-11-26 00:00:00

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