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The Requirements of Hammer in New Type Hammer Crushers to Material

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There are many manufactures for the production of hammer crusher, Henan Hongxing Machinery is a veteran manufacture in producing the hammer crushers for many years. The related knowledge about the usage and matters need attention had been analyzed in details, but the related knowledge about the core part of hammer crusher is relatively less. Along with its techniques, Hongxing machine introduced you to the requirement of hammer to the material.

 New Type Hammer Crushers


The hammer of hammer crusher is the essential part of crusher, according to the common hammer of hammer crusher in market is divided into two kinds: cast and forging. In order to make sure the abrasive resistance of hammer, the material selection of hammer crusher have certain choice.

The manufacturing process of the hammer of hammer crusher is the determined factor. If there are drawbacks in the surface or the inner manufacturing of the hammer such as shrinkage cavity, fissure, transcystalline and so on, the performance of the hammer will be reduced even breakage. Therefore, you must formulate proper casting and heat treatment process in hammer production line. The measures including application of casting with high outer surface and proper use of external chill should be taken in order to get dense internal organization and weaken the phenomenon of coarse grains with the good solidification order and shrinkage conditions. The technology for the heating processing of hammer determines the realization of the mechanical properties and the distribution pattern of carbide. Because the ingredients of hammer contain certain chromium and other alloy elements, how to play the role of alloy elements in forming the horniness carbonization is the factor need considering in formulating heat treatment technology.

The structure design of hammer in hammer crusher also makes a big difference. Hammer with different structure and geometrical, the mechanical property of hammer heat treatment and the different internal organization have a bigger effect on the abrasive resistance especially on the hammer with bigger thickness and size. The more heavy hammer, the more difficult to harden ability, the wear resistance is also worse. Due to the interior wear resistance of mechanical hammer is obviously lower than surface, for the hammer with larger thickness, only by proper heat treatment technology and casting art can improve this state. However, the function of this characteristic improving the wear resistance is quite limited; the best way is to optimize the design of the structure of the hammer in the condition of keeping the blow kinetic energy and strength of hammer.

Date: 2012-07-03 00:00:00

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