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Solution to the Shaking of the Jaw Crusher

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The main
function of Jaw Crusher is to be the primary crusher and intermediate crusher in the process of mining, material-building and infrastructure. According to the width of feed port, it can be divided into three types of large, medium and small machines. The width of feed port on the crusher wider than 600mm is called large machine, while the width between 300 and 600mm is called medium machine, and less than 300mm small machine. The structure of Jaw Crushers is very simple, which makes it easy to manufacture reliable to achieve and convenient to use and fix.

Jaw Crusher

It is known to the workers working with the Jaw Crusher that after a period of working, the machine will be shaking sometimes, which will lead the workers to find out the causing for a long time to fix it. The experts in Hongxing put forward that it can be totally avoided as long as pay attention to some details in daily life.
Firstly, pay attention to the screws fastened the machine. If the screws become flexible or broken, the side of the machine will rock slightly. Without fastening these flexible screws or changing the broken screws, other screws will be flexible or broken following those ones, which will result in damaging the machine.
Secondly, check the foundation. The settlement of the Jaw Crusher is based on a firm foundation. An infirmed foundation or a long-time-used foundation will both make influences on the steadiness of the machines. As a result, it is important to make a firm foundation before using
the machines and check out whether the foundation has been flexible timely.
Last but not least, examine the fly scored pulley. The machine will lose balance if the fly scored pulley in it goes out of position, leading to the shaking of the machine. Thus, timely check and maintenance is significant using the Jaw Crusher.
In all, only keeping eyes on the machines in the daily life, can the shaking of the Jaw Crushers be avoided.
Date: 2012-05-31 00:00:00

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